SILA Union will hold a master class at the Higher School of Economics conference

SILA Union will hold a master class at the Higher School of Economics conference

On November 30 - December 1, the conference “20 years of the Business Informatics training field in Russia” will take place as part of an extended meeting of the Business Informatics subsection. The event will be organized by the Higher School of Business, National Research University Higher School of Economics. SILA Union will hold a special master class “Modeling an organization on the SILA Union platform” on December 1.

Over the course of two days, participants will discuss the training of specialists in the field of “Business Informatics” in the context of ensuring digital independence in the field of information technology. On the first day of the conference, panel discussions will take place with the participation of representatives of the companies 1C, VK, Russoft, Alfabank, PWC, etc., as well as the Higher School of Business of the National Research University Higher School of Economics. On the second day of the conference, lectures and practical master classes will be held from leading IT companies, including SILA Union.

Our experts will organize a project seminar “Modeling an organization on the SILA Union platform”, where they will talk about the SILA Union software product and its functionality, conduct a demonstration and answer all questions. Participants will also be introduced in more detail to the company and the company’s capabilities in the field of training business modeling standards based on the SILA Union platform.

The master class will take place on December 1 at 11:00 at Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 26, building 5. You can take part either in person or online, by pre-registration. See you!
